In my letter to newspapers across London this week I talk about the potential of a fantastic new technology to cut emissions from hybrid buses.

Dear Sir,

Transport for London is pioneering several measures to make our buses cleaner and greener – and many will say “About time too” given the levels of pollution in parts of our city.

One initiative that caught my eye is a trial of wireless charging technology that allows the batteries of electric-diesel hybrid buses to be re-charged while they pass by a charging unit or are at a bus stop.

This will not only extend the range of the electric motor but lead to less use of the bus’s diesel back-up engine.

While there will be debates over whether the cost of this cutting-edge technology makes it an economical option just yet, we can be sure that further developments are likely to reduce the costs. In time, new technological solutions such as this will make our public transport less-polluting and lead to cleaner air in our city.

Syed Kamall

MEP for London

Leader of the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) Group


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