Speaking at Conference today, I chaired a meeting called “Europe – what’s next?”

Alongside me was, Timo Soini, Foreign Minister of Finland and Sander Loones MEP, from the Flemish NVA, which is the largest party in Belgium and holds the finance, interior and defence ministries in the government. Sander is Vice-Chairman of the Party, and he sits with our ECR Group in the parliament where he is also vice-President of the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee.

Many EU leaders appear not to have understood why there are growing questions about the way the EU operates right across the continent. The Hungarian referendum and Denmark all marking significant shifts.

The migration crisis, the Euro crisis and the Commissioners revolving doors have all reinforced a sense that EU leaders not being interested in the people being left behind by globalisation.

The EU is at a crossroads; will it move towards a federation of states with policies such as a common army, treasury and fiscal transfers to name a few or will it lead to reform.

My group,the ECR group was created to push for a third way – Eurorealism. A decentralisation of powers, focusing on cooperation, not centralisation where we do less but do it better. Despite the fact Britain is leaving the EU, we still believe that the ECR is the right future for the EU and we will be supporting the ECR group long into the future.


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