My Jihad – Documentary screening and debate at the European Parliament

Click the image below to watch video of my chat with Rudi
My Jihadi Vrankx
Last week I took part in a debate after a screening of a documentary called “My Jihadi” at the European Parliament.

The film looked at the radicalisation of youngsters, the impact on their families and the question of how to stop it.

There are so many parallels in what I have learnt looking at this issue in London as were found in this documentary, filmed in Belgium.

Rudi Vranckx’s film introduces us to some amazing people impacted by this issue, from mothers who have lost their sons to the extremists, to those devout Muslims trying to show youngsters that there is an alternative to violence. One shocking moment for me was seeing how very young children were hearing the message of the extremists, even if at this point they couldn’t fully comprehend it. As Rudi himself says, how do we find the ‘antivirus’ to radicalisation?


Following the screening I took part in a debate about the issues the film raised with exiled Bangladeshi writer and laureate of the 1994 Sakharov Prize Laureate Taslima Nasreen and My Jihad film maker and reporter Rudi Vranckx. The session was moderated by writer and journalist, Catherine Vuylsteke.

After the event I sat down with Rudi to ask him about the film and what he learnt from making it. Click here to watch

To see a trailer of the film itself click here

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