I have been in the media a fair amount this week. But then again there has been plenty to talk about.
Our Prime Minister and Jean-Claude Juncker have been exchanging warning shots ahead of the Brexit bargaining, the EU Commission announced its initial negotiating position and we saw what looked like another EU attempt to take Euro clearing away from the City of London.
I do try to act as a bridge between London and Brussels, which why I get asked to comment.
Hear’s what I said:
In Parliament Magazine on the Commission position:
This is the start of negotiations and not a final offer. There will be a bit of trying it on, but that’s to be expected. Progress will be made as the process evolves.
In the Daily Express and CITYAM on clearing:
The question of future oversight from the EU will be a matter for the Brexit negotiations, but politicians should listen to the businesses that actually do the trading and ask where they want to be.”
Again in Parliament Magazine:
Despite the headlines, there is political will from both sides for a mutually beneficial EU – UK deal. Once the negotiations begin, both sides will need to patient and constructive.
I aim to carry on helping keep the dialogue on course and productive.
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