I recently attended an event for Vision Care for Homeless People. A fantastic charity, I wrote a local letter to raise awareness.
Dear Sir,
At a time of year when we try to do our best for those in need, may I highlight to your readers the plight of homeless people who find their sight deteriorating.
Only one third of people without a permanent roof over their head qualify for NHS eye-care. Yet a homeless person is seven times more likely to need care for serious eye problems due to the rough conditions they endure.
Vision Care for Homeless People is the charity that provides free assessment and eye care through its eight volunteer-led optical clinics. But their resources allow them to reach only nine per cent the homeless each year.
Currently the charity is involved in the Crisis at Christmas campaign, going out into the community to provide eye-care over the holiday period.
A simple eye test can not only save people’s sight but also save lives by revealing the likes of diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
Your readers can fund VCHP to help more homeless people by going to Virgin Money Giving at http://uk. virginmoneygiving.com/charity- web/charity/finalCharityHomepa ge.action?charityId=1004269
It will help people have already lost their homes. Please don’t let them lose their sight as well.

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