My TechCityNews article –

London is THE best place in the world outside of Silicon Valley to be a #tech #startup. BUT we could be doing better.

So, what are the problems which hold up innovation in our city?

We can talk about the policy issues startups face and of course we must deal with these, but there are also more fundamental problems that need tackling.

There is a shortage of people with tech skills, a lack of fast reliable broadband and we also need to open the doors to the public sector much wider.

London’s tech startups have innovative ideas which could transform our lives.

There is another issue too which I didn’t identify in the article because it’s such a big issue we need to give it a lot more thought. This issue is the speed of change. Legislation is struggling to keep up with the pace of modern tech businesses. Rules which are being discussed now are becoming out of date by the time they are introduced. Politicians and rule makers need to do everything they can to keep up to speed with developments but also tech firms need to make sure they tell us what they need too.

Here then is a link to my article in Tech City News where I lay out the three key problems I identified for tech and startups in 2015.

My TechCityNews article –

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